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Biden Shamelessly Exploits Parkland Shooting to Push Draconian Gun Ban

February 17, 2021

This article was written by Matt Agorist and originally published at The Free Thought Project Pulling on the heartstrings of Americans on Valentine’s Day, President Joe Biden urged Congress to implement unprecedented gun bans, magazine bans, ammo bans, and going after gun manufacturers. He pushed for these draconian measures by evoking an emotional reaction, through the exploitation of the Parkland…

Utah: Governor Signs Permitless Carry into Law

February 17, 2021

This article was written by Michael Maharrey and originally published at 10th Amendment Center Last week. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed HB60 into law, allowing adults to carry a concealed firearm in the State of Utah, without first needing to obtain government permission. The enactment of this bill also foster an environment hostile to federal gun control. On Dec. 22,…

One Man’s Terrorist Is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter

February 11, 2021

By Brandon Smith In order for tyranny to be established, people who love freedom must first be demonized. It seems like this would be an easy historic fact to accept, however, it’s very common for state propagandists and establishment shills in the media to cloud the argument. The conflict between the political left, globalists, conservatives and patriots is awash in…

Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

February 11, 2021

This article was written by Ethan Young and originally published at American Institute For Economic Research In North America and Europe, it has become abundantly clear that Covid-19 and the lockdowns that followed have devastated society. In the United States, unemployment is through the roof and 2020 saw the largest economic contraction in modern history. Social and cultural depression continue…

How to Protect Your Local Economy From the Great Reset

February 5, 2021

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group Over the years, I have written extensively about the concept of economic “decentralization” and localization, but I think these ideas are difficult for some people to visualize without proper motivation. By that I mean, it’s not enough that the current centralized model is destructive and corrupt;…

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